academia, Cambridge Life, medieval monasticism

Frumenty for the Soul: why I’m digging into my medieval English surroundings

During the past few weeks, I've made a few posts over at instagram about some of my favorite Medieval English Catholic devotions, traditions, and legends. Ironically I have been in the U.S. with family for most of the advent/Christmas season and hence while researching these reflections, but I almost felt more motivated because I missed… Continue reading Frumenty for the Soul: why I’m digging into my medieval English surroundings

medieval monasticism

Monastery gardening for monastic times

Between the quarantine memes, I’ve seen quite a few people share that they have picked up gardening, urban or otherwise, as a hobby while in home isolation. Funny, cuz I bought a plant at my pre-quarantine Trader Joe’s run and it immediately died. Anyway. This brought to mind a fascinating piece of medieval monastic heritage… Continue reading Monastery gardening for monastic times